How to Load swf in browser cache?

i have around 50 swf files ,
example. main.swf,about.swf, services.swf, products.swf… etc

main.swf is my 1st file which i embedded in index.html
by using actionscript 2.0 dynamically i am loading the external files ( which is about.swf, sevices.swf… )
whenever i click a specific button it loads a specific swf file. which works perfectly fine with me.
but it gets really annoying each time i have to load the files and wait for the files to get loaded.
i wanted a javascript or actionscript code which will load all my external swf files invisibly in the cache of the browser while browsing the website. So that whenever i click a button its load instantly without waiting to load again.

for further reference i have seen this kind of work in