How to load your swf properly?

Since I’ll probably have less than 5 frames in my entire SWF - now that I’m using OOP and tween classes to get all my animations done - how would I make sure all classes and exported assets that load in before the first frame shows won’t load in until I want it to? Generally, I’m trying to avoid the SWF from looking empty while it loads in other stuff before my preloader even shows.

I’m also trying to build a good preloader class, where I can just say stuff like:

var preload1:Preloader = new Preloader(); 
 // loads main movie
preload1.preload(this, root, {y: 100, x:100, type:"horizontal", onComplete:trace("done")});

var preload2:Preloader = new Preloader();
preload2.preload("image.jpg", container2, {y: 100, x:100, type:"circular"}); // loads an image

Any good classes for preloading that anyone might have or know about? Or tips on making my own?