hey right dont qoute me on how accurate this is because im at college and i havent got my actionscript dictionary on my college network anyway. ts something like in the mySound.start(); bit put mySound.start(9999); or something like that. There is a tutorial on kirupa for external mp3s which ive never had any problems with. But i totally cant find it lol have a look its within another tutorial i think
well from what i gather u can’t use properties like loops or so on streaming media tho what if u jsut loaded all ur mp3s as ur movie is loading then handler ur sounds as events
so have this on ur button
on (release) {
and this in ur actions frame
rap = new Sound();
works for me and u could just make a if loaded kinda script to see if that mp3 is loaded before ladoing he next one so u don;t slow it down to much