How to make a mc gotoandstop to a certain frame according to the mouse's position?

Greetings all Flash Actionscript 3 masters out there!!:hat:
I am a newbie to this Actionscript 3 and I just had this difficult task of creating a Flash game.
Well, basically what I want to do is, if the mouse is on the left side of the movie clip… the movie clip will then play ( “A” animation inside the movie clip)
vice cersa, if the mouse cursor is on the right side of the movie clip, the movie clip will then play (“B” animation inside the movie clip)

To put it simply, I would like to make a character in a game which faces the mouse cursor and chasing (with a runnning animation) after the mouse cursor [COLOR=Red]but not rotating[/COLOR]. I’ve got the movie clip slides along with the mouse working well, now I just need the mc to face the mouse cursor.

can anyone please help me and tell me how to do it?

Thanks beforehand!!:angel: