ok. here is what im trying to do.
i want to make a bunch of objects move to random positions on the screen with easing when i click a button. im pretty stumped on this. if been foolin around for awile. and i don’t think it should be to hard. but im new to this stuff so im not having much sucess. this is what i have…
on (release){
speed = 5;
endX = 300;
endY = 500;
t = 1
if ( t > 0) {
move_mc._x += (endX-_x)/speed;
move_mc._y += (endY-_y)/speed;
now i might be waaay off base… probally am for sure. i figure for the random locations i can just use a random * a constant. but then the problem of getting more than one object to move without a move for each object. this moves the object to the location but it does it instantly. i think its something with the loop… i dunno im a total noob to this so that piece of code iwll probally make someone who knows how to do this laugh alot. but nonetheless help please.