I’m currently working on a site that contains an intro. What I have is an .fla file with two keyframes, one containing the actionscript for the intro and the other one the actionscript for the rest of the functions.
In the first keyframe I also have a button that suppose to skip the intro jumping to the second frame when it is clicked, the problem is that I don’t know how to tell flash what objects to remove since I don’t know when the button will be clicked.
Is there a way to stop and remove all objects currently playing when the button is clicked?
All my objects were dynamically placed on the stage using actionscript 3.0 (no objects on the stage).
I thought that by jumping to a different key frame it would stop and not show the tweens in previews key frames, like when you place everything on stage manually, but it doesn’t, they actually overlap with each other (objects from first key frame and objects from second key frame).