if i get the infomation from an xml file and display it in a textfield…
how can i represent a breakline in the xml file so that the textfield also have a new line?
<event title="Finally" description="test1" + "
" + "test2" />
lets say this is the code
is this correct?
will the textfield show a newline?
just a note that is part of a code from the xml file which i want the textfield to get information from
will the description appears as i want?
hmmz am i rite to say that xml wont allow me to do that?
cos i manage to get round this only by recoding the AS and the structure the XML file is…
<**event title=“Finally” description=“test1
test2” />
senocular: this is not working
here is my xml file codes
<events startDate="2003-01-01" endDate="2004-12-31">
<event title="Test Event 1" description="once on 10 february" startDate="2003-02-10 17:30:00" endDate="2003-02-10 19:30:00" allDay="0" eventType="once" />
here is my AS to display it in a textfield called events_txt
calendar_mc.onDisplayEvent = function (eventsData,dateObj) {
var output_str;
var c = events_txt;
c.htmlText = "";
for (var i=0; i<eventsData.length; i++) {
output_str += + dateObj+ "
output_str += eventsData*.title + "
output_str += eventsData*.description + "
c.htmlText += output_str;
when i use what u tell me
it doesnt show it as
but it is shown as test1
or am i still doing something wrong?
i edited the xml file to give description childNodes to have different paragraphs then edit the AS to detect the number of childNodes and show the paragraphs respectively…
u can go to
to see the feb 28 entry to see what i want…
oh… thanks for the help! If there is something that i could have done instead please let me know…
if you are using HTML text, use <**br> instead
like this
description=“test1” + <-br-> + “test2”
i tried both method and it is not working
wont even load the xml file properly
well since you’re doing it from within an xml attribute, youd use this
otherwise the tags will screw with the xml formatting.
where were the <- and -> coming from?
oh the <- and -> is because i dun want to use the php codes…
hehe it is br without the -'s
wat is lt,br and gt?
br is break?
lt? line terminate?
oh and is it possible to make bold words in xml attributes?
where can i find more of such codes?
&**lt; and &**gt; are html for Less Than (lt) and Greater Than (gt) just like a hard nonbreaking space &**nbsp;
&**lt;br&**gt; is just <**br> without messing with the xml