How to resize a swf?

my question is probably asked a zillion times, but I have surfed across the internet and still did not find the correct answer to my question. Which is:

I created an animation in the dimensions: 1024x768
It was for a schoolproject and it had to be this big.
Now that I finished it however, I want to post the movie on who have a 5 MB limit. However, not only is the filesize itself too big, I can’t seem to resize the dimensions whatever I do.

People said that if I change the html dimensions the swf will automatically take these dimensions by default.

it doesn’t.
My html nicely becomes smaller whereas the swf stays 1024x768.

Because it is a: a large file and b: it contains a very important virtual camara, I can’t export the swf and resize it on a new stage. My computer either hangs itself or the camara is suddenly visable.

So my question is:
[color=Red] How can I resize a swf??[/color]*

I have lots of bitmaps in it, that make it also very large, but set that aside there must be a simple way to resize a swf? Right??

Ps: I am a complete n00b in ActionScript so if you give me codes, tell me where to paste them please :wink:

Thanks in advance,

Bianca ~

Pps: One of the movies is found here . The other is 12mb and thus to big…