How to set an action for multiple objects

Hello, I would like to know how could I set an action for an entire set of buttons.
I have the following code…

//hide & show noticias
hideNoticias.onRollOver = function(){
noticias._visible = false;
hideNoticias.onRollOut = function(){
noticias._visible = true;


menu_ginkgo.onRelease = function(){
loadMovie(“data/swf/ginkgo.swf”, “_level1”);

menu_marcas.onRelease = function(){
loadMovie(“data/swf/marcas.swf”, “_level2”);

my menu has many more buttons: menu_premios, menu_via, menu_prensa, etc.
So what I want to do is to set the action…

hideNoticias.onRollOver = function(){
noticias._visible = false;
hideNoticias.onRollOut = function(){
noticias._visible = true;

for all of the menu items with out having to duplicate the code for each one.

Is there a way?

Flash CS3 / AS 2
