Hi there.
I’m back ! Finding this site incredibly useful and a wealth of great talent on here…
I wonder if you could help me out !
I recently posted a topic re. the keeping score tutorial which was on here… I ended up having problems for what I was using it for - so found another which did the job.
What I would like to know is, if someone has scored points on a game i’m creating - could that be stored as a “value” that could be displayed at the end of the game in another frame ?
Here’s what I have at the moment
A dynamic box with the description and var of “score”
An action on a frame with the script:
score = 0;
A button that once clicked runs this action script (which adds to the score):
on (release) {
_root.score += 100;
Is there a way afterwards to get the total amount from “score” to be used elsewhere ?
Many thanks !