How to unload an external movieClip with a tweenOut effect

Basic TweenLite question. How to unload an external movie clip from a loader with a tweenOut effect, with using only AS2, no timeline.

here’s my simplified scenario:

I have 3 movieclips. “main_mc”; “blue_mc”; “green_mc”.

  • main_mc has 2 buttons and a loader.
    Clicking the first button (“blue_btn”) loads “blue_mc” into the loader.
    Clicking the second button (“green_btn”) loads “green_mc” into the loader.

  • “blue_mc” and “green_mc” have 1 circle symbol each, tweening into the stage.

So when I click “blue_btn” a blue circle tweens in. When I click “green_btn” after, I want the blue circle tween out, not just suddenly disappear and then to load “green_mc” with a tweenIn effect.

Basically, I want “blue_mc” and “green_mc” to trigger a tweenOut effect when they get unloaded.

I am looking for the simplest solution. If that involves timeline, that’s fine as well.
I attached a sample file for better understanding. If you can update the files, that would be great. Thanks!

// main_mc script



// blue_mc script

import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;

TweenLite.from(blue_mc, 1.3, {_y:-800, _alpha:0,  ease:Elastic.easeInOut});

// green_mc script
 import com.greensock.*;
 import com.greensock.easing.*;
 TweenLite.from(green_mc, 1.3, {_y:-800, _alpha:0,  ease:Elastic.easeInOut});