How to use audio in svelte

Hi, How do I use audio properties such as ‘currentTime’ and ‘play’ in Svelte?
Thanks for any help

Hi @davidjm - do you have an example of your page that we can look at? JavaScript properties shouldn’t change when you are using Svelte. I am assuming you are using the audio API?

Kirupa :slight_smile:

Hi I’m trying to build this js30 drumkit using Sveltejs
Do i need to install, import or bind the audio?
I’m a complete newbi so I’m not clear on the concepts.

function playSound(e){
  // selects the audio element where data-key="e.keyCode"
  const audio = document.querySelector(`audio[data-key="${e.keyCode}"]`)

  //if there is no audio element with the corresponding keyCode, then don't do anything
  if(!audio) return;

  //else reset the audio time and play it
  audio.currentTime = 0

Thanks for your help

Ah! Are you a newbie with Svelte or with JavaScript in general?

If it is the latter, I would suggest taking a few steps back and learning more of the fundamentals first. My free content here may be a good resource:

What you are doing in this code is getting a reference to the audio HTML element that is in your web page. The actual audio itself is specified in HTML where the src points to the file to play.