Howd he do this? Resizing slideshow

Hi Scotty, please help!
I’m using the xml gallery fla from this thread . Fantastic!
here is my question…
When I have thumbnails in 100s (say 200 to 300) , the script wait for all thumbnails to be loaded before I can click on the thumbnail to view the main image.
Is ‘AS’ not multi-threaded? Can I not view the slide image parallely when the thumbnail loading is in progress?
FYI: Thumbnail size average is 5 to 10KB and the slide image is around 100KB., I tested on m/c with 3GHz and 2GB ram.
Just from my initial tests, the xml gallery version posted in this thread ( does seem to allow load the main image when the thumbnail loading is in progress!
Any insight how this can be resolved? I don’t want the user to wait till all the thumbnails are loaded.
Thank you very much!

Off course it’s possible:)
Chenge the loadButtons and nextButton function like below (and you can skip the acivateButtons function)

function loadButtons() {
	//added next two lines
	var but = th_nav["thmb"+tnNr]; = tnNr;
	var tbox = th_nav["thmb"+tnNr].box;
	temp = this.createEmptyMovieClip("tmp"+tnNr, 999);
	temp.onEnterFrame = function() {
		bt = tbox.getBytesTotal();
		bl = tbox.getBytesLoaded();
		var per = Math.round(((bl/bt)*100)/tArray.length);
		bar._width = ((totPer+per)/100)*curwidth;
		info.text = "loading thumbnail "+(tnNr+1)+" of "+tArray.length+" total";
		if (bt == bl && bt>4) {
			//set the onrelease actions here, so you can use each thumb that has loaded
			but.onRelease = function() {
				container.loadPic(pArray[], iArray[]);
			totPer += per;
			delete this.onEnterFrame;
function nextButton() {
	if (tnNr<tArray.length-1) {
		if (tnNr == 1) {
			//show the first pic if the second thumb gets loaded
	} else {

btw welcome to kirupaforums :slight_smile:


Fantastic! That worked. Thanks a lot.
If there is any issue with loading the thumb image, then the script stops. (when thumbnail image not found or when it’s not in jpg format). I’ll add some delay logic to wait and see if it loads or else continue with the next thumbnail loading. Anyway, this is a homework for me :slight_smile:


Im new here and was wondering if someone can look at my file for this auto resize image container. My file is too large to post here so can someone send me an email address and I can send the file there?

Thanks in advance

Hello Scotty and crew,

May I beg some help on the xml for the multiple gallery version? I need to expand on the gallery info. Instead of one sold paragraph, I need to make a list, with sublists. Here is the sort of thing I need to display with each gallery:

[FONT=Wingdings]v[/FONT]1968 E.M.POLLMANN (with link to Pollmann’s site)

[FONT=Wingdings]Ø[/FONT]Versatile, Colorful Tone
[FONT=Wingdings]Ø[/FONT]Pollmann Quality Material & Construction
[FONT=Wingdings]Ø[/FONT]Consignment Sale - No Sales Tax!
[][FONT=Wingdings]§[/FONT]String Length - 41.0 Inches
][FONT=Wingdings]§[/FONT]Body Length - 109.6cm
[][FONT=Wingdings]§[/FONT]Upper Bout Width - 48.7cm
][FONT=Wingdings]§[/FONT]Middle Bout Rib Depth - 35.7cm[/LIST] [FONT=Wingdings]Ø[/FONT][U]Standard Classic Contrabass Setup[/U]
[][FONT=Wingdings]§[/FONT]Adjustable Bridge
][FONT=Wingdings]§[/FONT]Solid Ebony Fingerboard
[][FONT=Wingdings]§[/FONT]German Endpin
][FONT=Wingdings]§[/FONT]Professionally Dressed Fingerboard
[][FONT=Wingdings]§[/FONT]Properly Fitted Soundpost
][FONT=Wingdings]§[/FONT]Stele Cable Tailgut[/LIST]

I honestly tried to get my head around it, but only managed to break the file pretty good. After a couple of days I figure I’d better ask. Any help greatly appreciated!

Hi, I’m using the multiple border resizing script, works great! :cap:
But I don’t want to navigate trough lose buttons, but with prev and next buttons, how is that possible? :be:

Allready thanks =)


I could not open your fla, may be F8, so I’m not really shure what you are trying to do.
This should center an MC on Stage in Relation to Stage width and height.Maybe for the _y Position you have just to write the apposite number.

ContainerMC._x = (Stage.width-ContainerMC._width)/2;
ContainerMC._y = (Stage.height-ContainerMC._height)/2;

or in you case:

ContainerMC._x = (Stage.width-ContainerMC._width)/2;
ContainerMC._y = 450;// or whatever

hey guys … Great Thread ! Thanks a lot for all the help !.
I’ve got a quick question … is it possible to use text as links instead of the thumbnails in one of these galleries like for example :
Go to the Projects section of each. (by the way both sites are cool too)

and also how could you add more pics let’s say you’ve got one of your works and then you want to show 3, 4 etc pics of the same work ? (you can see this in the examples above as well) Im sure this is more advanced anyway any help would be appreciated.
