Hows this done?

Hi, i wanna be able to do something like this[ The little pointer that follows the mouse near the nav bar. I have followed a guide on this site [URL=follow mouse with easing]]( see it here) but this makes the pointer follow on both axis when i only need it to follow the one. can anyone help me out?

What happens when you take out the code for the axis you DON’T want it to move on?? Just leave what you need…

Errr then it works…Doh!, cheers Kel 420.

OK :slight_smile:

Scratch that…it kinda works but the pointer disappears off screen…
This is what i had
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
speed = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
endX = _root._xmouse;
endX = _root._ymouse;
_x += (endX-_x)/speed;
_y += (endY-_y)/speed;

and i removed…
endX = _root._ymouse;
