Htaccess and php sessions

hi there…

i’m working on a simple client download centre and people have to login and all usernames are also folders so when logging in and the password matches the username it’ll redirect to the folder with the same name as the username.
in there there are all the files in the folder visible for the user.
All these folders does not have any index page and with htaccess i made sure it’ll made an standard index page with all the included files.
But the next problem is the security… I can now create a htpasswd document but with htaccess my theory about the username == folder will not work.

So my question is as followed:

the htaccess code:

# path to the .htpasswd fileAuthUserFile /full/path/to/.htpasswd# name of the secure partAuthName "secure part"AuthType Basic<Limit GET POST> require valid-user</Limit>[FONT=Verdana]

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Is it possible to add php session variables between the tags?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana]for example[/FONT][FONT=Verdana]

[/FONT]<Limit GET POST> require valid-user$_SESSION['username'];$_SESSION['password'];</Limit>[FONT=Verdana]
