Hi everyone, my name is Dom and I am a freelance HTML/CSS coder. My experience includes the following:
-3 years of html/css experience
-3 years in running and maintaining several different websites including different virtual pet sites and a couple web hosting companies.
-Low prices(determined on the job)
-prefer to be paid by paypal

I recently have decided to become a freelance coder to make some small cash here and there. I enjoy working and coding websites enough to put great effort into my work.

Interested? Please contact me via PM. Thank you!

Interested in tableless psd slicing and phpBB3 integrated? If so, get me at MSN: or simply drop me a PM here. Thanx

okay, ill be with you shortly.

Hello Dom L2
I want to become a frelance, too. can you help me, or I can agreement with you
I 'm in Viet Nam
i have much experencies about php, drupal, joomla, wordpress
contact to me:
