HTML form, Radiobuttons

Hey can anyone show me a quick script how to make a form where there are two radio buttons and one pops out when the other is selected and vica-versa.
Mucho Arigato Gozaimas

Here is how you do it… I think this what you’re askin’ for, explanation is in the code :be:

<form name="form1">

<input type="radio" name="samename">1. Put them in a form

<input type="radio" name="samename">2. Give them same name

<input type="radio" name="samename">There you go buddy! Viola


Test here:
<form name=“form1”>

<input type=“radio” name=“radiosample”>1. Put them in a form

<input type=“radio” name=“radiosample”>2. Give them same name

<input type=“radio” name=“radiosample”>There you go buddy! Viola
