HTML formatted text from an XML file

Here’s the setup…

I’m creating a news scroller (based on files found on I’ve simplified the everything a little bit, so now each news item I create displays a headline (w/link), text (under the headline) and a date.

I want the ‘text’ portion of each news item to include HTML formatted text, but I can not figure out how to do it.

I’ve tried Macromedia’s advice… _root.newsBox.html= true;
I’ve tried the CDATA thing found in the forums.
I’ve tried a .join/.split thing I found through google (I’ve included that one in my source files).Example

None of the above works…what am I missing?

Here are the files I’ve been working with…
Source Files


Anyone have any advice?

using CDATA

your tag
<copy id=“copy”>116 words of the original 16th century Lipsum plus 384 <u>additional words</u></copy>

altered tag
<copy id=“copy”><!CDATA[116 words of the original 16th century Lipsum plus 384 <u>additional words</u>]]></copy>

inside CDATA you can use some basic html stuff , like a mailto, a hyperlink, font tags

hope this helps you out
