Is there anyway to tell Flash that when an external text file is being read in that the <strong> and <em> tags should be <b> and <i> instead?
I’ve been looking at different options for a CMS that will allow HTML formatting in text files, but it seems that all the CMS’s I am working with are applying HTML tags that Flash doesn’t understand.
I first tried a combination of FlashTextEditor and [url=“”]FlashDB, which seemed pretty promising, except I couldn’t figure out how to read the present files, edit them, and then resave with existing formatting. This whole situation really left me feeling like a moron, especially without help from others.
My next option was using pinEdit which also seemed very promising (more so than the previous combination) except that not only was it dropping in tags that Flash doesn’t understand, there was some strange formatting that was going on when looking at the text files themselves through my browser. I could see the formatting, just not the tags unless I viewed source, which I’ve never seen happen before. The creator of the script was so vauge in his information when I asked for assistance that I have since given up on the situation.
In order for me to deliver my websites I must be able to have my clients update their own sections. Had I had more time I’d simply charge for updates until I came across some money to pay someone to help, considering finding help any other way is almost impossible. I was really hoping to get my FlashDB and FlashTextEditor combination working but that didn’t happen.
Sorry for the big post…had a lot to say. Anyone willing to help or offer support of any kind would be greatly appreciated.