Is there a way to tell flash where you are located on a site. I am embedding a flash menu at the top of my web site in a seperate frame (topframe) and have the content of my site in the bottom (bottomframe). The flash menu at the top has five options for the user to click on and it changes the bottomframe to where they click. I would like to have a secondary navigation where the user can click on a link in the bottom frame and if they are in section 4 of the flash menu and they click on something in section 3 the flash menu changes to show that 3 is selected. Right now if they click from section 4 (which is hilighted in the flash menu) to something in section 3 the flash menu will still show it as being in section 4 although it is in section 3.
Is there a way to change the urlstring in the browser so that flash will load a different frame depending on what the urlstring says? Is there a more intelligent way of doing this? Is there a way to do something like this without going 100% flash and without using html frames? Thanks
I have that code in under each button. The buttons work fine to call the frames bleow, I was wondering if there was a way to have the urlstring change the behavior of the flash. Like if I had a link on the bottomframe that when clicked on would look like …filename.asp?url=2 and the flash would go to the second menu choice if url was 2 and the third menu choice if it was 3. Or in other words is there a way that the frame that is displaying in flash is dependent on the url that it came from?
You appear to have solved a problem I am currently experiencing. I am trying (desperately!!) to embed my Flash menu into my otherwise HTML site that is, like yours, divided into two frames with the menu at the top and the content at the bottom.
However, when I click the respective links on the Flash menu the HTML page that I want to appear in the bottom frame appears in the Flash menu frame.
I know this is probably annoyingly simple but can you tell me where I am going wrong and how I can have the menu fixed in the top frame with the content changing in the bottom frame as I click the different links,
I am using Frontpage 2002 for ther embedding, HTML etc etc