HTML over flash!

Take a look here, the top menu appears to be a javascript menu system made from an unordered list, but how on earth have they got it to lay over the top of the flash animation? any help :slight_smile:

why help? youneed to do this???
anyway, you are wrong. the flash movie is only an item put inside a table of thier HTML. the rest is not flash
look at the source of thier html and you might learn

Thanks for your reply but … hu? :huh:

I know it isn’t all flash, only the promo animation, but the menu at the top layers over the top of that flash. in my experience flash was always drawn on top of everything else, but I think I have found out how they did it, with transparent windowless flash and absolute positioned layers. thanks though :smiley:

uuu, indeed, I overlooked the menu there :slight_smile:
It’s actually a pretty nice effect :slight_smile:

but your example doesn’t work on mac at all…

Really ? what happens ?