HTML page scrolls when trying to scroll flash content

Hi, I tried searching if there’s a thread regarding this however I can’t find one.

I’d I did some experiments on flash cs3 regarding scrolling content on a long HTML page with a scrollable flash content inside it, both for AS2 and AS3.

I seem to notice that AS2 swf files(even running under flash player 9) is able to lock the html page scrolling when the mouse pointer is over the swf content. AS3 doesn’t however :frowning: but there seems to be something working about it …I was wondering where to ask or email regarding this problem, to any adobe staff, cause I seem to question how does a TextField class in AS3 able to lock scrolling of the page when you have a textfield instance in the flash content that is also scrollable(it scrolls first and when there’s nothing to scroll, the html page continues to scroll). If anyone can contact or post somewhere regarding this issue? Please notify us here too… it’s really frustrating to not having implement a planned feature. Thanks!