This is driving me nuts. I really thought I knew how to do this. Apparently, I don’t.
I have blog entries that being written into an xml file, which is then being loaded into flash. Same xml chunk:
ActionScript Code:
[FONT=Courier New][LEFT]<entry>
<title>Third Test Entry</title>
<description><![COLOR=#000000][[/COLOR]CDATA[COLOR=#000000][[/COLOR]<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. [COLOR=#000080]Donec[/COLOR] ligula odio, blandit molestie, tempus at, venenatis a, est. [COLOR=#000080]Phasellus[/COLOR] sed tortor. [COLOR=#000080]Integer[/COLOR] nulla ipsum, vehicula quis, malesuada accumsan, dapibus bibendum, est. [COLOR=#000080]Fusce[/COLOR] eget mi ac nibh luctus blandit. [COLOR=#000080]Praesent[/COLOR] eu libero. [COLOR=#000080]Morbi[/COLOR] pellentesque, lorem eu varius tincidunt, libero erat accumsan lectus, vel pharetra massa leo at lectus. [COLOR=#000080]Nunc[/COLOR] aliquam. [COLOR=#000080]Nulla[/COLOR] auctor, eros id faucibus laoreet, nisl augue hendrerit justo, sit amet tristique risus nisi faucibus leo. [COLOR=#000080]Donec[/COLOR] facilisis, turpis nec varius cursus, urna ipsum sodales erat, sit amet convallis tellus ipsum non tortor. [COLOR=#0000ff]In[/COLOR] eleifend egestas ligula. [COLOR=#000080]Donec[/COLOR] turpis enim, congue sed, tincidunt nec, varius [COLOR=#0000ff]in[/COLOR], nisi. [COLOR=#000080]Aenean[/COLOR] justo felis, iaculis ac, ultricies vel, fermentum eget, nisl. [COLOR=#000080]Morbi[/COLOR] ultrices. [COLOR=#000080]Donec[/COLOR] augue odio, pretium non, molestie et, convallis [COLOR=#0000ff]in[/COLOR], mauris. [COLOR=#000080]Vestibulum[/COLOR] eget augue et odio elementum rhoncus. [COLOR=#000080]Curabitur[/COLOR] non massa. [COLOR=#0000ff]In[/COLOR] interdum quam id ligula.</p>[COLOR=#000000]][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]][/COLOR]></description>
<pubDate>December [COLOR=#000080]2[/COLOR], [COLOR=#000080]2006[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000080]3[/COLOR]:[COLOR=#000080]22[/COLOR] PM</pubDate>
For some reason, the ‘description’ text field is not showing the paragraph tags as actual paragraph breaks, it’s just showing the tags themself.
I’ve set the text field with all the properties I thought were necessary in order to get it to work. Clearly, I’m missing something:
ActionScript Code:
[FONT=Courier New][LEFT]blogholder.[COLOR=#000080]description[/COLOR].[COLOR=#0000ff]autoSize[/COLOR] = [COLOR=#ff0000]"left"[/COLOR];
blogholder.[COLOR=#000080]description[/COLOR].[COLOR=#0000ff]wordWrap[/COLOR] = [COLOR=#000000]**true**[/COLOR];
blogholder.[COLOR=#000080]description[/COLOR].[COLOR=#0000ff]html[/COLOR] = [COLOR=#000000]**true**[/COLOR];
Note that ‘description’ is the instance name of the textfield.
Help me?
Ugh. Nevermind. I had it as
blogholder.description.text = bloglist.childNodes[p].childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
instead of
blogholder.description.htmlText = bloglist.childNodes[p].childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
Why do I spend like an hour trying to figure something out, only to have it occur to me like 1min after I post a thread?