Html vs flash slide show

because my knowledge of flash is still very limited, I am unsure of the best way to display images concerned with my site.

my site will display 9 projects of my my work each with about 30 images associated with each project. At present I have a thumbnail for each of the 30 images which lead to a html site in a slide show format.

Is this the most efficient way to do it???
Can this be done entirely in MX???

My main concern is load time of each image, I don’t want to lose res quality of each image so i figure it might be best to load 1 image at a time in HTML rather than 30 in one hit in MX which people might not want to wait for.

What’s the best way to go???


flash mx can be done to make fully powerpoint shows and its good cause you can make losa cool effects and all that which you can’t do in powerpoint and html…

i don’t think you’ll really lose quality if you put it on flash. you’ll probably need a preloader to load like every 10 images or something though, and you can make a button to change between projects if the person doesn’t want to wait…? i hope what i said makes sense :slight_smile:

Flash lets you control the kind of compression it gives images, so it shouldnt be a problem there.

It can also load images individually externally, so you dont need to force your viewers to download all the images at once in the beginning before allowing them to look at them.

The only disadvantages to using Flash over HTML is (as I see it) compatibility - making sure your viewers have flash, and simply your knowledge of Flash. Chances are you can make it work just fine in HTML. Is it worth it to put all the effort and trouble into making it a Flash presentation? Personally, Im all for it, but its something you’ll have to consider given your time and amount of effort set aside for this project.

well the whole site is flash up to the slide show stage, I’ve learn’t a heap in a month of using flash and pretty excited about it.

I’ll check some of the tutorials and see if i can accomplish it in flash!
