I hope iv got the right forum for this. i apologise if i havent. straight to the point; im designing a site where the plan is to have a news column on every page of the site. i dont want to change each page individually when updating the news column, but im not sure how to incorporate xml so when i change that, its changes all the pages at the same time.
can anyone point me in the right direction / tutorial, etc. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thus I havent used PHP for xml parsing there are many other ways how to do that. Use database as nokrev suggested or simply include e.g. news.php/txt/whatever to every page and in that file edit code of those news. IMHO using a database would be the best solution as you can display news randomly, sort them and handle larger number of news easily.
You can use XSL tot transform the XML into a human readable page, with styles and such. Here’s a tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/default.asp No need for server side scripting.