Hummm.... tweening with actionscipt

Hey I’ve known about this for a while, but just today I was told it can reduce file size… this caught my eye as my current big project is getting to be a big fla… So how much can the file be reduced? And also, where do I learn this technique? I know some basic action script, if someone would point me in the way of a tutorial I’d be much appreciative.

I wouldnt call it tweening,i’d call it .asp movement

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

put each of these actions in seperate MC’s and watch the fun.asp movement

Ah yes, I see how that works… then to stop it I could create a loop that ends after however many frames I need… the only problem is that you don’t know where it ends up at… that leads to a lot of trial and error and testing.

At least I think so…

hmmm how much will that really reduce filesize?

no trial an error… or at least not much

something like this could help.


Mind you this is not optimal. There are better ways of doing this… but not many so simple.

Mostly a/s is used to move things in regular patterns, rather than from point a to b.

It will reduce your file size a lot.

d’oh… sounds like I need to incorporate some…

But I shouldn’t be too worried… My file cannot be over 5MB… it’s currently 1MB published with all sound and I’m about half done.

Man I wish I had optimaze!

You can create a tweenTo function or prototype to do the job for you. Something I did based on Supra’s code:

   var deltax=x-this._x;
   var deltay=y-this._y;
   var distance=Math.sqrt(deltax*deltax+deltay*deltay);
   var norm=speed/distance;
   var diffx=deltax*norm;
   var diffy=deltay*norm;
   if (distance>speed){
   } else {

You can use that with any movie clip:


pom :asian: