I Am A n00b at Making Games so Help!

Umm… Hey My Names Matt and im really bad at making games with flash but im still learning you know :slight_smile: but umm… if anyone can help me please help.

What i Need is:
I want the Enemys To Come down from the top of the screen. Then I want when the shooter shoots a bullet and hits the enemy, i want the enemy to play his scene clip // die :slight_smile: .
And Also add a high score table too if you can :slight_smile: .

Please Help me Im Blocked! :block:


Do you already have a game made and you just have this problem or you want us to do it for you? (it will never happen if so)

-Data :tb:

Well… I Wanted Either someone to do it for me or tell me how :-\


Lol…looks like you should look in the tutorial section and learn a bit more flash…:wink:

Actually Its not That easy learning flash especially when it looks like foreign writing to someone :frowning: i know some of it like to stop and go and goto and stuff but i dont really understand the advanced stuff yet like… x._394bla… and i was just asking for some help on how to do it.

-Matt :sigh:

well persist :)…I taught myself flash from scratch and have been working with it for over 2 years…the first time I opened it up I had no clue what to do…just practice and don’t expect to understand stuff like Math.Random after 2 weeks of using flash!

Tsunami if the flash workspace looks like a forign language to you I suggest staying away from games for now.

lol good point…:stuck_out_tongue:

Umm… Ive had flash for about a year now maybe… and ive made a couple of stupid cartoons and now im trying to games and i have like 6 big books that i look over and its still confusing but… what would you guys recommend i started with involving* actionscript?

hmm, to I would recommend trying out a couple of the tutorials in the actionscript special effects section here:
as way to get your foot in the water. Many of those tutorials are cool and not very complecated at all.

*Originally posted by Fargate *
**well persist :)…I taught myself flash from scratch and have been working with it for over 2 years…the first time I opened it up I had no clue what to do…just practice and don’t expect to understand stuff like Math.Random after 2 weeks of using flash! **

this is where your wrong :)… i’ve been using flash for one and a half weeks now lol… and i know bout math.random and math.round :stuck_out_tongue:

lol… since i know basic c++, well i should say “knew” lol

*Originally posted by Soul814 *
**this is where your wrong :)… i’ve been using flash for one and a half weeks now lol… and i know bout math.random and math.round :stuck_out_tongue:

lol… since i know basic c++, well i should say “knew” lol **


here is an example of a game i made, where missles fall from the sky and and you have to shoot them before they hit the ground, you can look through it, see how it works, and so on…


is a good 3 part game tutorial on making games, shooting, hit detection, score, scrolling land if you want it, and so on…


Many tutorials for tile-based games.

But the tutorials won’t make sense if you don’t know the AS involved, so you may want to see what they use, and further research certain aspects of the code (such as for loops for example)

hey man if those big books arent helping you, one mans trash is another man’s gold…hint hint

there is a great tutorial just like what you want. One thing, enemys come from the right. Great tutorial. I learned making games with that.

I’m trying to find