Guy’s I purchased this FLV Player component from only to realize it does not have the XML List component with it. I don’t want to spend $50.00 buck getting the right component… can any one help me with this.
I want to add a list box and have that list box populate via xml. I don’t want to hard code the FLV path in the actual player I want it be in my xml file. I have started it somewhat but I am lost.
Can anyone help me please…I am uploading file - you can use it for free just please help me thank you…
Here is the Actionscript:
//Set up the list box, call function VideoThumb to create the actual thumbnails
list.rowHeight = 45;
list.cellRenderer = “VideoThumb”;
list.selectable = true;
//create new empty listener object
listListener = {};
//Function to handle what happens when an item in the list is selected
listListener.change = function( evtobj ) {
var nav = list.dataProvider[list.selectedIndex];
nc = new NetConnection(); //create a connection
nc.connect( null ); //null connection for progressive download
ns = new NetStream(nc); //create a stream
video.attachVideo(ns); //pipe stream to this video object
// walk through the chosen item, build and play it
var reset = true;
for ( var i = 0; i < nav.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
var stream = nav.childNodes*;
if ( stream.nodeName == “stream” ) {
// build path to flv, and play it
myStreamPath = nav.attributes.url + “/” +;
ns.setBufferTime(10); myStreamPath);
reset = false;
//Add an event listener on the list, when it triggers, run the listListener function to repopulate the list
list.addEventListener(“change”, listListener);
//Function that loads the XML file, parses it, and builds the list of available video clips
var xmllist = new XML(); //setup a variable to hold the XML
xmllist.ignoreWhite = true;
xmllist.load( “videos.xml” ); //load the XML file
//The following gets called when the XML has been loaded
xmllist.onLoad = function( status ) {
if ( !status )
trace( status );
var entries = this.childNodes[0];
var playlists = {};
var nav = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < entries.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
var entry = entries.childNodes*;
if ( entry.nodeName == “listitem” )
//builds array of video clip names
playlists[] = entry;
else if ( entry.nodeName == “menu” ) {
//builds array of available videos
for ( var j = 0; j < entry.childNodes.length; j++ )
nav[j] = playlists[entry.childNodes[j]];
} //end else if
} //end if
//sends the array of videos to the listbox UI
list.dataProvider = nav;
} //end xmllist.onload
//resizes the video object to the width and height of the clip
function onVideoResize() {
if ( video.width != video._width || video.height != video._height ) {
video._width = video.width;
video._height = video.height;
//center video in playback area
newx = (335.0 - video._width)/2;
newy = (279.0 - video._height)/2;
video._x = newx;
video._y = newy;
setInterval( onVideoResize, 200 ); //keeps checking video size