I am having some troubles with flash and xml.
Please, can anyone help me. I need an asp script to deal with my edit of an xml file, I have it setup in the flash part of things, but not the important asp part of the process. Can anyone whatsoever help me out with this???
Come on someone must know ???
/************ FUNCTION THAT EDITS AN XML NODE (called from Save Button) ************/
_global.editXML = function () {
// Gets the new text from the input box
newText = _root.textTemplate.main.myTextField.text;
// Creates a new node right before the old one and inserts the new text
xmlFile.firstChild.childNodes[pathToArea].insertBefore(xmlFile.createElement(sectorNumber), xmlFile.firstChild.childNodes[pathToArea].childNodes[pathToSector]);
xmlFile.firstChild.childNodes[pathToArea].childNodes[pathToSector].appendChild( xmlFile.createTextNode(newText) );
// Removes the old sector which is right in front (1 spot in front) of the new one
oldSector = Number(pathToSector) + 1;