Browsing Random at the moment. Blimey, where is everyone? Or is it just an unsociable time of day? It’s 10am here, and I’ve just rolled into work. Oops.
werkin’ on my homepage after a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time!
Well 10am for you is like 3am for me - so I was in bed
Your crazy time change frightens TuknuK
This is the major disadvantage of being English. My time is so off from you lot in America.
lol my time waaaayyy moooree off the american than yours!
*Originally posted by Syko *
**lol my time waaaayyy moooree off the american than yours! **
Syko, is there any diffrence between Lt and Ee time?
yawns sorry it was 4:00AM here when it was 10 there. the united states was sleeping during then.
hehe, Kitira is 8h difference from me ;p I have to get home to ‘Good old Europe’ then someone else will be on at that time… ;p
i was sleeping. lol