Hi I have a very strange problem… and I am receiving this error “Sandbox Violation” , I am sure most of you know it.
It is occurring in a rather strange scenario though…
If anyone has any free time to look at my swf / full amounts of code and figure out what is going on… please reply and we can talk pm. or through instant messaging programs.
I will also provide the fla to anyone who think that they can solve my problem under the strict rule that it is not copied, or changed in any other way except that in the desire to help my requested script.
I’m sure all you will need though is the scripts.
I would really appreciate it if anyone would help me in this. I will return the favor with problems that others have.
I’m definately not trying to get a freebie. I make my living off flash.
Reply if interested.
In the meantime I will use my knowledge to try to fix this error.
If you are busy I don’t want to waste your time, but if you are free, and want to meet and help me, I WILL return the favor.
Experienced flash “gurus” or even just “pros” please.
I thank all of you on this forum in advance.
This is THE best forum for flash designers anywhere.
Jerod Nelson