I banned jnicklo

I’m tired of his taunts, his sarcastic comments, his name calling, etc.

I just locked the battle thread, because I did not want to see an ugly scene appear, people taking sides, which was already happening.


is the thread.

If you guys think he should be let back in (again), fine, let him in.

I’m just tired of his obsession with me, and his trying to provoke me into a fight.

Saw you doing so on Who’s Online. He deserves it tho. It wasn’t a friendly attempt anyway.

I don’t think he deserves staying. I guess his 3rd post in the thread mentioned above backfired in your eyes…

Surely, he will register again and starts nagging. So, er, prepare your self for ip banning.

hopefully he will stay away now…

I’ll ban his IP now. He has been warned over and over again about his behavior :slight_smile:

That dudes got some serious mental issues.

candidate for understatement of the year award.