I dont use the timeline

I never had the (dis)pleasure of learning previous versions of flash. I jumped right in to AS3 about 6 months ago.

Everything is going good, except one thing is nagging me. Im not using most of Adobe CS3’s tools and I’m wondering if I’m missing out on something.

All I do is just write pure AS3 code. I dont use the timeline, or the library, or the authoring/drawing tools. When people ask questions about frames and the timeline and GoToAndStop() and things like that, I have no idea what they are talking about. (Ive recently learned that I might as well be using FlashDevelop, since it doesnt have all of that stuff, and its free anyway, but thats beside the point.)

My question is, should I start using the timeline? Should I get used to working with frames? Right now I code all my animations by hand, using timers and events, since I came from a C++ and OpenGL background.

I’m not sure if I’m ignoring some of Flash’s great tools and strengths, or if I’m better off sticking with the way I do things.