Hello all and seasonal greetings from snowy scotland…
Now thats out the way…down to the problem…
Basically I want to know if it is possible to change the content of an I frame using a button click…preferable a flash button but not essential.
To explain…I have created a template: header, footer, nav menu and content frame.
All I want to do is chnage the .html file that is loaded into the I frame when a button is pressed, rather than reload a whole new page with only the content changed.
Does this make sense…surely its possible with java or some, I would prefer my buttons to be flash…dunno if that would make a difference…
So basically… click a button on the nav menu…i.e home and the everything on the page remains the same but new content i.e home.html is loaded into the I frame.
Please help…urgent…any tutorials or alternive methods would be appreciated.
(P.S The main reason for this is so that I dont have to reload the header, footer and nav everytime you navigate thru the site, as they have flash content and would take time to load every time the user clicks to navigate.
thank you all.