I have a client that want’s a strictly HTML website, and not Flash. This is just to help with SEO.
However, they wan’t atmospheric audio to play fluently throughout the website. Flash is the best way to play audio within a website. But obviously the main issue here, is that every time they go to a new page, the audio will have to start again.
I could use iFrames and/or other website trickery, but this will again effect SEO.
So I had an idea, and I’d like your opinion on whether it would work. And I will post my results here (if this is the right place to do it).
If I made the tiny Flash audio player send out an external post of the exact time the audio was at every second. Then use javascript and php to “post” those results to the next page. Then we’d be on a new page with a new time reference. Just get Flash to call that time, and continue the audio from where it left off.
Does that sound viable? Is it too intensive to have Flash send that information so many times? Am I missing something?