Don’t get me wrong, I love Flash.
But I hate working with Fonts in it.
Flex 3.5 - Fonts would embed (just) I have had to revert all my work back to SDK3.5 as fonts do not embed in SDK4.0. I am using OS X and have heard rumours that it is a bug on this particular system.
Adobe are revamping the text engine (AGAIN!) but instead of clearing out the crap and starting a fresh they have broken what barely worked in the first place and added a layer on top of this mess. I can’t find any explanation of how to use the new engine in the unofficial SDK4.1 let alone how to embed fonts with it.
At the moment (in SDK3.5) I have a large set of fonts (Helvetica Neue LT Std set) where each font weight/style is in its own .otf file. Flash seems to have a problem understanding this so if I want to embed a Bold font I must specify fontWeight=“Bold” and EVEN THEN it doesn’t embed/display the font correctly. I have spent literally days fiddling with different embedding methods, different SDKs and a poorly documented API and I still can’t 100% of my fonts working correctly.
I am very annoyed at Adobe for not having got working on a new text engine faster (I have been waiting for 4+ years) and also for completely breaking it on the official SDK4.0 without ANY warning (at least on OSX).
If anyone has a solution to this or would like to shed some light on the multitude of problems feel free. Thank you for reading,