I have a fla file of a full flash website i created myself from scratch. I am very fluent in as2 and as3, since its what i am working at for 6+ years… There is no actionscript errors, no problems in the code, nothing whatsoever. HOWEVER, after a certain moment maybe a couple of months ago, the file started to not be able to publish. In any version of flash. tried in cs4 and cs5. Cannot test in flash 8 anymore since i need to save it in cs4 format, then open it in cs4 and save in cs3, then open in cs3 again and save in flash 8 format. Why did adobe have to make it like that? Flash 8 was originally used to create the file, but i see no reason for it to not work. I have loads of other files created with flash 8 that stand just fine…
The problem is that when pressing contol+enter or f12 it will show the “exporting flash movie” window for a SPLIT second, then it will just dissapear without exporting anything. No matter what choices i take into the file preferences it still wont publish!!! I certainly do not want to build it from scratch and i definitely dont want to use a decompiler just to be able to publish…
any ideas?