Alright, so I’m trying to put a bunch of movie clip animations that ive made myself in flash together to form my animation.
Let’s say for the purpose of this they are Anim1, Anim2, Anim3, and so on.
I want to make it so that right After Anim1 plays, Anim2 will start up, and after Anim2 plays, Anim3 will start up and so on. I can’t figure out how to do this through the helm manual and fooling with action script and such. Any help of this would be much appreciated :beam: . Also, I would like to be able to play a MP3 song in the background over all of the animations, for the background music of the movie. But that is the lesser issue
I just had this problem myself a few days ago. I solved it by putting action script on keyframes inside of each MC.
ex: inside of Anim1, on the last KEYframe of the animation put this script --> _root.Anim2.gotoAndPlay(2) :: (b/c frame 1 is a stop)
on the last KEYframe of Anim2 put the same script but change it to _root.Anim3.gotoAndPlay(2);
so on and so forth. Got It?
As for the sound … on the first key frame of you main movie timeline put this script:
mySound = new Sound();
mySound.loadSound(“yoursonggoeshere.mp3”); //put path to file
_root.mySound.start(0,999); // 999 is the number of times it loops. Change as needed.
Hope this helps.
P.S. This is one way of doing the MC thing.
electrongeek’s method would work too.