I have made a card for my g/f

just wondering if you guys like it or not ??


that is some small *** text there, but other than that I like it. Nice colors :thumb:

awwwwww isnt that sweeeettt…what is it? Nah just playing that…is cool. I have made a card for my wife every year we have been married…PS pays for itself after 50 years of marriage…

gj man

thanks guys.

DDD it is actually a magnolia, that has been simplified. :smirk:

thanks AP !!

all i need now is something to put inside it like a nice little note ??
any ideas people

peace and thanks

oh come on now, shouldn’t the inside be a highly personal message from your heart to your significant other? cough

I thought your g/f name was Emily?

better change that before you give it to her!

thanks AP
i have been racking my brain for a while now and couldn’t come up with anything !!!

thanks again !!

and laslett,
my girlfriends name is mandy!

runs and checks

yeah told ya

peace and thanks

Sorry I was thinkin of the guy two doors down his g/f is emily sorry

mmh dunno but are you sure your girl like e-cards ??? I mean wouldnt it look a bit geekish ? Or is going to be printed ???

Maybe you should take off ‘eski designs’ and put your whole name instead, which is much more personal… =)

yeah i only put that on there for something to do !

it is not an e card (hell no) if i made one of those i woulda made it in flash !

it is going to be printed out and put on a peice of card and with a photo of us on the inside, i found a little poem and changed it to fit in with the occasion.

if you want to see the inside tell me and i will post it

thanks for the feed back

thanks pand peace


your footer though… all i can say is http://www.spoono.com/index.php?setstyle=4 :-\

That looks really nice! What size are you printing that at?


originally posted by ahmed:

your footer though… all i can say is http://www.spoono.com/index.php?setstyle=4


yeah i cut a bit outta spoonos heading i sent the webmaster an email asking if i could use it but i hadn’t got any repsonse from him … :-\

i am printing it out at the same size which is 16cm x 10cm its not that big but i didn’t want a huge card

peace and thanks


Your going to give this to your girl freind? what are you thinking, first of all; get a picture of yourself naked, with a bottle of wine in one hand and flowers in the other. And show up looking exacly as you do in the picture.

On your birthday, you’ll get the same, if not better, back.

riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight …

no offence but that is a stoopid idea

thanks and peace