Help me,
i have problem whit timer in AS3.
I have simple game:
LEVEL 1: 3x4 element ( 30 sec )
LEVEL2: 4x4 element ( 60 sec)
LEVEL3: 6x6 element ( 90 sek )
I finish the first level of say 20 seconds, and move to another level starts countdown: 60 … 59 … 58 … 57 … 56 … 55… 54 … 53 … 52. . 51st … and then game show me GAME OVER screen.
As the countdown from the first phase did not stop.
And another question:
How do I add points at all three levels: level 1 points + level 2 points + level 3 points , and not to each level start from 0 points.
I attach file
Please , help.