I Just Want A Preloader:(

Hi jigga612,

People are slow to reply to ppl who haven’t used search, to search the site or forums.

The quickest way to get a response here is to have a go at it yourself.
ie: have a look at all the tutes and try to use them to get you going…
Then when you are stuck you can post your file and ask why it is not working…

(tust me it’s the quickest way to get your answer.)

below is 5 links to tutes: but as you a new I will explain:

just copy and paste this code into your first frame say layer 1.
put your movie in the first frame say layer 2.

[AS]if (_framesloaded>=_totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);


no worries, if you cant get it to work just post what you’ve got and I’ll see if I can fix it for you.:beam: