I’ve finished copying and pasting 350 images into a timeline, creating simple animation. But When I finished, I realized my stage is too big to fit into the <td> element width on my [COLOR=blue][COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]html [/COLOR][COLOR=blue ! important]page[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]. When I shrink the dimensions of my embedded width and length params of the [URL=“http://board.flashkit.com/board/showthread.php?t=813543#”][COLOR=blue][COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]html[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] - expectedly - my animation gets too small.
I’d like shave off space to the right and left (and possibly above and below too) of my animation so that when the .swf is inserted (and auto-resized) into my html <td> tag, the animation is large enough for enduser to appreciate.
But can I do so without selecting every image and manually re-centering, and then manually changing the dimensions of the stage? Man!!! that would sound like an excrutiating all night and early morning task!!!
Any ideas my brainiac friends?