I know you guys are going to hate me

…if this post is in the wrong place (and of course it probably is)
but, does anybody know where there is a good tutorial on making a basic Pong game in Flash?
Any help would be…helpful.

and sorry again if this is posted in the wrong place:crazy:

You probably don’t wanna post it here… But…

I don’t know of any tuts… But I can help you create the pong game… If that’s what you needed… I’ve created a pong type game before.

Hey man, if your willing to help me Im all ears. That would be cool. I kinda have an idea of how i think i wanna go about it…but, i really wanted to see how someone else would create it.
Im pretty new to AS, but I was thinking it would have something to do w/ collision detection, or…hmm, i really dont know. yea, if you wanna help out.

do a search here on kirupa (forum search using the search ^ button above) and you’ll find some threads with some donwloadable flas

*Originally posted by senocular *
**do a search here on kirupa (forum search using the search ^ button above) and you’ll find some threads with some donwloadable flas **


Oh cool, I did not even know I could search the forum like that. Thank you very much for pointing that out senocular. That’s exactly what I needed. :love:

Im glad I was able to give you the gift of search ;). Use it often as it will most likely help you more than a posted question will.

Oh of course, but…I dont want you to confuse me w/ someone that is just going to try and get answers from people here. In my first post i was asking for exactly that (a place to find the help):stuck_out_tongue:
just so its clear:love:

Oh of course, but…I dont want you to confuse me w/ someone that is just going to try and get answers from people here.

np dude. :wink:

In my first post i was asking for exactly that (a place to find the help)

You come to the right place =)

And Welcome to Kirupa! I´m sure you gonna enjoy being here as much as i do, and i hope you stick around :slight_smile:
Do what Senocular and RenaisssanceGirl told ya, when in doubt do a search, if that doesn´t help post your questions here on the help sections of this forum.

Cheers :bounce: