I Love Death

I ran a search but I didn’t see it posted. (DB Error)

I found this the other day and was blown away! I love the creativity despite how depressing it is. And the music is great…


This was all done with motion tweens. No fancy actionscript.

What do you think? :slight_smile:

that first link was great :beam:


animation is awesome :slight_smile:

wow that was incredible, blog worthy :smiley:

on 2nd thought – I checked out link and I have to admit I laughed hard at some of of the segments. Pretty clever and creative.

is it just me or did that take a really long time to load.

took forever for me digi

Not only is this great because of the animation and how it was put together… but because it’s true.

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Not only is this great because of the animation and how it was put together… but because it’s true. **

exactly (-:

*Originally posted by Digigamer *
**is it just me or did that take a really long time to load. **
It’s over 3 megs and it’s been getting a lot of publicity lately, so I imagine their server is a bit frazzled.