This weekend, fed up with my wife not being able to switch into her user account anymore (blue screen + reboot!), I decided, after two system restores to no avail, to re-install XP on top of the exisiting install, kinda like a repair install.
Everything is ok untill 13mins from the end, I get an error message and the install just hangs, so the comp’ was useless!
Now what?
Trying to save some data, I used a rescue HardDisk with win2k on it: cool, blue screen, won’t boot!
Ok, I install XP in a new partition on the old drive, seems ok, but everytime I boot, I get an NT system authority error, distant RPC procedure terminated and will reboot in 50,40,48… F***!!
I dig out my old win98 boot floppy, format the XP partition, reinstall, get a com+ error during install, but at least it installs, save my data from the previous C drive, remove the old drive, format the original C partition, install XP (getting quite used to that…), and now it seems to be ok…so far…
Still getting some error messages after installing some softs, but nothing serious so far, so hopefully: I’m back.
Morality: BACK UP !! DAILY !