I made a video!

its probably the stupidest thing you ever saw but it took me like 6 hours to make cuz

  1. i kept falling asleep on my keyboard
  2. i used Premeire, which i never used b4 so i had to figure out to do everything

so watch my video!!
oh yeah, and that song in the beginning i made too

watch it now!

omg… that’s frightening :thumb:

nice work… I think… :beam:

whoa… that was interesting… but that is one kewl cat…

hahaha thats awesome, you win at life.

*Originally posted by redGolgi *
its probably the stupidest thing you ever saw

yep, in the top 5 at least.

I mis my cat :*( [size=1]he died…[/size]

Me and my brother had a lego train… we make it go round ([size=1] the train not the cat [/size]) and our cat would attach it…lol…:}

Cool movie:thumb:

All im gonna say is nice job, nothing more

drugs are bad

*Originally posted by norie *
**All im gonna say is nice job, nothing more
:beam: **

Because they figured out Premiere in 6 hours or less…??..:}

great vid…your cat jumps high!

I swear the sound is coming from the inside of a tin box of spam.

Nice cat though - probably lost a few neurones on the way —

*Originally posted by twitch *
**drugs are bad **
mmmkay? :wink:

Hehe, thats pretty crazy!

Makes me wonder what gave you the inspiration!

Wonder what your next video will be like?!

I bet your cat is a bit exhausted after that, and will be found asleep for the rest of the week!

quit torturing the cat!! :stuck_out_tongue:


where was the hijack?

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**EDIT: For the most part, the thread’s creator should use the hijack image. If the thread’s creator has no problems with a thread going off topic, I don’t think any of the members should unless they really want to continue a convo and the thread’s creator is unavailable :slight_smile: **

thor can do whatever he wants in my threads :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe it was the mention of drugs?!

I aer teh victim! :d:

/me is all confused… someone’s getting over-excited with the delete function :sure:

(can you ‘ok’ this post please red? :love: - I’m gonna have to PM everyone who’s thread I post in to get it ok’d and not deleted ;))

i think some1 is just out to get asphalt hehe :wink:

ok, asphalts posts are ok in here, unless i pull the spam trigger, or unless thor sees fit to do otherwise heheheheh