I made this for Phil

click here for pix

The images were sent to me by a friend, viewer graciously provided by zoomify…


now that’s funny. i like the one in the gangster outfits haha

speaking of which, where are our “Inuit” friends?

must have been a tough day hunting walrus…


maybe it’s the kirupa AI…

maybe this is all not real… maybe we are all just programs running in a really big Web TV in another dimension…

I have my theories… we shall see next time he shows up…


could be…

The Kirupa AI may have just become Self Aware…

I wonder what it’s faith will be…


I’m afraid Tuknuk (kirupa AI) may become Meglomaniacal far too soon to benefit us…

I mean I realize he was always gonna be a handful, but I’m scared…


I kinda have gotten to like him/she/it…

in a wounded duck sort of way…




I tend to have a very unique circle of friends, who don’t like each other very much, but are real good friends of mine…


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**click here for pix

The images were sent to me by a friend, viewer graciously provided by zoomify…

Rev **

I had to bump this for the peeps on the other side of the globe…


HAHA, thoes pictures are wicked funny,

lol, there is never a dull moment here.:stuck_out_tongue:

personally I like the skydivers…



the one where they are at the amusement park is my favorite.

you did notice the “wet” pants, right?



i just went back to see it. LOL!!!

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


don’t drink a bladder buster before going on the “Skyhook.”



ya, because when you get droped from the highest point, it will all go into your face. LOL!



The zoomify thing is really pretty easy, and it is extremely customizable (sp?)…

I’m working on an art site with that in mind…


Rev - would you say it’s worth the price? Be honest…

Tuknuk II:

That all depends on your needs. Now that I have it, I will use it for diff things. Do I think I would go out and buy it? No, but then I rarely buy software until I actually need them, unless a client is going to pay for it…

And if I were getting paid for this Center for the Arts thing, I would prob have put Zoomify in the bid, since it is only $129… The customizeability is worth that alone. I can see a lot of uses, especially if you have products which sell better if people can zoom in to see them better… you can add images once you have them “zoomified”, with simple HTML, as well as change the options the same way…

So yes, I think it is worth the price, but I think you need to have an idea for it’s use as well. I think I would use the free demo version to pitch to a client, then ask the client to buy it. But that is the tightwad portion of me talking…
