This is my first post. First steps with flash, too, really. I am working on a site that is an invitation to kind of a plush camping site with litlle wooden houses and such. Anyways… from my main .swf file i want to open a new window with maps and fotos, ok? The thing is, using getURL I get this internet explorer window with all of its buttons and ****. They completly, how should i put it, mess up my design. I see all the time sites that open windows that are nice and clean, just pure FlashPlayer. I want to do that. Can someone tell me how to do that?
Aha, ok, yes… That is interesting thank you. Its not quite what im looking for though… You know how flash content opens up from a splash page without the browsers menu? Thats what I would like to do.
That example that you give is not a new window. It’s just a movieClip that’s loaded in that looks like a window. Or it’s just a movieClip in that movie - either way, it’s not a ‘new window’.
Make an empty MovieClip and call it ‘container’. Make your window in a different swf - call it ‘window.swf’. Then use a line of code on your button: