I need a clean window


This is my first post. First steps with flash, too, really. I am working on a site that is an invitation to kind of a plush camping site with litlle wooden houses and such. Anyways… from my main .swf file i want to open a new window with maps and fotos, ok? The thing is, using getURL I get this internet explorer window with all of its buttons and ****. They completly, how should i put it, mess up my design. I see all the time sites that open windows that are nice and clean, just pure FlashPlayer. I want to do that. Can someone tell me how to do that?

Thanks in advance.

        :-\                :hat:               :)      :nerd:             :hair:



Aha, ok, yes… That is interesting thank you. Its not quite what im looking for though… You know how flash content opens up from a splash page without the browsers menu? Thats what I would like to do.

Let´s see. Check this for example:


add this code to your button - in flash

on (release) {
getUrl(“http://www.yourserver.com”, “_blank”)

then, on the page that you are opening - add the javascript


for the fullpage.


I´m going to give it a try tomorow. Thanks again

dont you have to call the function in the getUrl in order to fire it?

That example that you give is not a new window. It’s just a movieClip that’s loaded in that looks like a window. Or it’s just a movieClip in that movie - either way, it’s not a ‘new window’.

Make an empty MovieClip and call it ‘container’. Make your window in a different swf - call it ‘window.swf’. Then use a line of code on your button:


That’s how the examples done anyhow…
Here’s a tut:

don’t overdo chromeless windows and full screen ones - and make sure there is a visible ‘exit’ button.

nobody likes web pages that are ‘invading’ your desktop…