I need a lil css help

Okay I have a < td > that I want to have a background image. But in ie 5.0 it does not show up. I am trying to do some testing for browser acceptance. I know there has to be a way thru like javascript or something or other. I am not sure if I am wording this correctly so if you need more just let me know.

[edit by lostinbeta] to show tag, it was messing up the forum layout[/edit]

You can set the background image of a table cell through regular HTML rather than CSS as well.

<TD BACKGROUND="image.gif"></TD>

or the CSS way

<TD STYLE="background-image: image.gif"></TD>

They both work fine, but with CSS you are able to control if it repeats or not.

I tried that way but I have figured it out. For some strange reason it works if I import the stylesheet along with the link stylesheet.

It is weird because if I do it inline = doesnt work
embedded stylesheet does not work
link stylesheet does not work
import stylesheet does not work
but if use both import and link together it works go figure. I am stating this just incase someone else has this problem. The platform I was testing is ns 6.1 on win 2000 and ie 5.0 on windows 2000. Those are the hardest to get.

Why didn’t you just define it on the table cell itself? That is… unless you are using the same image on the background of multiple cells.

I did do that but it would not show up on that specific browser OS combination win 2000 and ie 5.0

Oh, interesting.

Glad you got it fixed though :slight_smile: