I need an idea

ok, you people are all so creative…
i have to make this website in VR that’s gonna really for real be a 3d environment that you can explore…
problem is i have totally no idea where to go with this

any good ideas? it’s totally open, so anything goes

ok, tell me if yous think this is a cool idea or a dorky one…
like, there’s this tavern, medieval RPG type, and then you go in and theres some stuff, and THIS CHICK is your tourguide… and if you click on her you can get the menu and stuff, and there will be other things you can explore, like items, and these will produce stuff like info about RPGs or links to cool things, or images of whatever…
what do you think?

That sounds awesomely cool golgi! :beam: I love medieval stuff lol :beam: Can I help?

Lemme get this straight… are you making website for a client? And you wanna do it in a medieval style? Or you’re actually making a medieval rpg? For a client? Or yourself?

Me confused :wink:

And the tour guide… is very… nice :beam: Introduce me? :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

hahaha. you think she’s hot? awesome. i was goin for that…

anywho, this isn’t for a client, it’s just for a class. so i can pretty much do whatever i want. it just has to be a website that is in VR with 3d objects and stuff that you can walk around in.

as for the RPG, yeah, im making one, but it’s a totally separate project. i’m just doing the character models and tiles and stuff, and i’m doin that 4 some1. this chick is one of the main characters. actually, i just had a sweet idea. i can do this for class, but it can also be like a promo for the game! hahaha. 2 for the price of 1.

i just came back after doin a little… um … research… hahah… (playing baldur’s gate)

but i’m gonna start modeling the site now. you wanna help? can you do textures? lets see… that’s all i can think of. unless you wanan come up with some ideas for what the stuff will be that you interact with in the site. hehe. my brain is outta ideas.

Coolio! :beam:

I’m more creative with ideas and writing than uh… modelling lol :-\

There should be one bedroom in the tavern where you can go with the tour guide for a special tour ;):wink:

  • Soul :s:

haha perv


Naughty boy. :slight_smile:

Sounds like a really cool project though. How come there was never this kind of stuff when I went to school? Or is just England? When I went to University, they only introduced HTML and JavaScript when I was in the 2nd year… We had to make a website for a wine distributor, in Notepad, and frames were like, a new invention. It feels like so long ago…

ah, im goin to an art school… and believe it or not, they’re still stuck on the novelty of frames…lol…
but this is a special class

Lucky you… I was lumbered with a Computer Science degree. Don’t know how many proper art college type things there are over here (Soul, help me out a little, you know of any or am I just dumb?).

Still think of myself as more of a programmer than a designer / artist.

:slight_smile: it’s funny, i was originally happy here, but now i’m wishin they offered a bit more in cs…

Ooooo two of the girls are here… together! :love: :beam:

And yesh Kit, theres plenty of art colleges here :slight_smile: I almost went to one before I realised I can’t do art :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

hehehe. what did you decide on?

And before I realised my passion is films :beam:

a few years back i was in this indie film, it was hysterically bizzarre… still tryin to get myself a copy, the director has been MIA for a while now, i hope his gf didn’t kill him
(she was threatening to at the shoot)

I’m not going to ask what kind of films. :slight_smile:

Must just be me then, I don’t know of any art… Oops, no, there was one next to my first secondary school…


<b>Opens mouth to extract foot</b>

Leave it open Kit :wink:

slaps self :-\ Save you the job


it was a perfectly clean film!!!

You’ve got a dirty mind, Soul. Well done. :slight_smile: